After talking about the interior of an office space quite recently I would like to talk about a place we all have spent tons of hours. Some of these hours have been funny one’s, some exciting, some less interesting and … Continue reading

After talking about the interior of an office space quite recently I would like to talk about a place we all have spent tons of hours. Some of these hours have been funny one’s, some exciting, some less interesting and … Continue reading
When I first talked to our house-painter about the colors I had choosen for the walls of our new apartment, our small conversation went like this: Me: I would like to choose this dark-violet for the dining room. House-Painter: Are … Continue reading
Love the fresh feeling of the Knoll Sofas with the royalblue carpet. The perfect match of art (by Kate Shaw), material, color and accessoires. This kitchen is truly inspiring. The match of white, marble, wood and black. Awesome. And … Continue reading