Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world. Marylin Monroe Well said. But, mmmhhh, wait a minute, how many expensive designer shoes do you have in your closet which are living their own quiet still life rather … Continue reading

Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world. Marylin Monroe Well said. But, mmmhhh, wait a minute, how many expensive designer shoes do you have in your closet which are living their own quiet still life rather … Continue reading
How do you imagine the business of a perfumer? Ok, he sniffs a little bit here and there and then composes a fine scent. Is this the real story? The first time I wondered about it, we were traveling with … Continue reading
A couple of days ago, while strolling down the famous Via Montenapoleone in milano and gazing into the windows of the who is who in the luxury fashion world I suddenly realized that I was totally blank about the latest … Continue reading
It was only a matter of time until the chinese beauty would conquer the covers of world leading western fashion magazines. The first one was Du Juan, which was on the title of french vogue in 2005, but she shared … Continue reading