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The Fur Shoes by CELINE


A couple of days ago, while strolling down the famous Via Montenapoleone in milano and gazing into the windows of the who is who in the luxury fashion world I suddenly realized that I was totally blank about the latest fuzz in fashion design. Ha. How I realized that? By looking into the windows of the Celine showroom.

Yes, I admit I saw them for the first time. The yeti like fur shoes. Ok, that happens to people who think that a Kenzo sweater is the talk of the town. No, no, no. It’s a shoe which shape looks a bit more like a ,lets say, sanitary shoe? But in contradiction to the shape the inner sole is covered in fur. I learned, Insiders call them Celine Birks (short for Birkenstock, the german brand who invented the style). And together with the above satin suit, no worrys, you will be definitely the talk of the party!

I must admit, I really like them. Why? As a statement against all that super-high high heels which are more and more a threat than fun to wear.

What do you think? Would you wear them?

One Comment

  1. …haha, no, I would not wear them. Only at home maybe. I have seen them at the fashion week, too. And okay, it is a design innovation, but not seriously wearable (although they might be very cosy, brrrr)

One Trackback

  1. By Selve – design your perfect shoe | www.designisti.com September 8, 2013 at 7:59 am

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