designisti, happy holidays, bambi Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!


Well, I am not so much into end-of-year-reviews, because I am more into the idea of so-called flow-thinking, but however looking back I am very grateful for so many fantastic moments in 2013 and I met a lot of cool, inspiring and very creative people, in real or -very modern- via social media. I was in Milano (several times), in Paris, in Amsterdam, in Berlin, in Cannes, Nizza, to name a few of my favorite places to meet great design and art. I attended Fairs, Blogger Conferences, Abigail Ahern’s Design School and since October I am enrolled in Design101 at online university named Iversity, to attend a course about Design Basics, created by Stefano Mirti, Anne-Sophie Gauvin, Lucia Giuliano and Giovanni Pasca Raymondi and some more incredibly talented people. The reason for going back to University simply is, as a fan of good design, I want to understand even better how Designers think. Which may help me, to write even better articles or features about all this cool stuff I so much like to talk about.

But for now, let’s take a break, have a chill, some romantic christmas hours full of peace, laughter and happiness and get ready for a new year, full of love and new ideas and projects and more rock n’ roll in 2014. Best wishes for all of you!

Buon natale and felice anno nuovo.


photo bambi ©designisti, bambi from accessoires store farbenreich,
my favourite DIY christmas tree via free people blog. Simply cool, isn’t it?


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